Tickets Available NOW
Far Suns Fall are super excited to announce that tickets for their upcoming show are now available to purchase. The Trinity Bar in Harrow on Saturday 18th December will be the stage for the bands reunion show.
The line up features Mercia, San Raquel and Black Market Riot. It's going to be an amazing night of rock so make sure you purchase your tickets to avoid disappointment.
We're Back!
Far Suns Fall are super excited to announce that they will be playing their first show in over 2 years at The Trinity Bar in Harrow on Saturday 18th December.
The band have also been writing some new music, with a new single "Vultures" coming soon.
Tickets for the show to be announced soon.

New single "Vultures" Coming Soon

On Thursday 10th October, "Shape of The World" was voted BEST SINGLE by online radio station Radio WigWam.
The WigWam Online Radio Awards featured thousands of artists from across the globe and covered a multitude of genres. The online station aired the full list of winners and runners up during their Rock Show, and what a show it was.
You can check out Bob's reaction to the announcement here
"Shape of The World is a masterclass" - Radio WigWam

On Friday 12th April 2019, Far Suns Fall released their debut album "Aphelion". The album encapsulates everything the band have been working on over the last 2 years; whether it be personal, professional or just great tunes, this album has emotion in abundance.
The album is available to download & stream via iTunes, Apple Music, GooglePlay, Amazon Music, YouTube Music, Napster, Deezer and many more.
"Aphelion" was produced, engineered, mixed and mastered by Jason Wilson at

Last year saw the release of Far Suns Fall single “Shape of the World” from their upcoming debut album “Aphelion.” I really enjoyed sitting back and reviewing their track, as it was full of grit and edge. Now returning with their latest single, they’re keeping the energy big. For those that don’t know, the band situate themselves in the Alternative Rock genre, but are influenced by many other genre’s. Developing a strong sound within their boundaries, the band are back with loving “Patient.”
Keeping the momentum strong from their previous single, Patient comes with great ease for the band. With lyrics flowing off the tongue, the track feels a pioneering uplift for the band’s discography. Taking the song more in a ballad approach, the acceptance and patience in the song feel a promising vibe towards the upcoming debut album. The production gets everything perfectly in line with one another and the sound really is huge. I’m very interested to hear how the band may take this big studio sound live. Poet lyrics drew my attention in straight away, subtle harmonies greet you with welcoming arms too.
Grooves are set between the drums and bass building a dynamic shift throughout the song. Sticking to guitar influences from Tremonti, Van Halen and Five Finger Death Punch, the guitar part is on the borderline of metal and alt rock. Effects used grasp your attention and keep you locked in. With their album launch creeping upon us (April 12th), I’ll be sat here waiting patiently for the next release from the band. A bright future lies ahead.
Score: 3/5

On Friday 8th February, Far Suns Fall released their second single "Patient" which is taken taken from their forthcoming album "Aphelion" which will be released in April 2019.
The single is available to download & stream via iTunes, Apple Music, GooglePlay, Amazon Music, YouTube Music, Napster, Deezer and many more.
"Shape of the World"

An electric influence of Blues, Grunge, and Alternative rock music is secured with GoLoud Records band Far Suns Fall. They released their first single “Shape of the World” from debut album “Aphelion” (due for release in April) back in November. With the debut album still to be released, the band are generating a strong fan base. Combining all their influences with what feels like subtle folk based lyrics, the 4 piece have a huge sound that would break down any wall.
Melodically, Shape of the World has belted us up and flown us back to the 90’s. Metal inspired guitars circulate our ears with a warm introductory to the band. Finding a place for rock music in the world has become tricky over the past decade, but it’s songs like this that just remind you how powerful rock tracks can be. Reminding me slightly of Alter Bridge with Rival Sons singer Jay Buchanan like vocals – the song takes us through a rollercoaster of energy. A progressive rock sounding production makes the song feel so real. Mainstream music at the moment is all processed, so hearing something like this just proves that as humans we are capable of making something ‘real’ again with music. In your face type of song that you can’t escape, you don’t want to either.
Score: 3.5/5

"Patient" debuted on Amazing Radio
On Sunday 13th January, Far Suns Fall's second single "Patient" which is taken from their upcoming debut album "Aphelion" was played on Jim Gellatly's show on Amazing Radio. Click the link below to here the show in it's entirety.

Way Out Radio Interview
Far Suns Fall had there current single "Shape of the World" featured on Way Out Radio, followed by an interview with the band. Click the link below to listen to the interview in it's entirety.
On Thursday 10th January '19, Far Suns Fall released their first ever music video for their first single "Shape of the World".
This track sets the scene perfectly for the release of their debut album "Aphelion" which will be available in April'19.
"Shape of the World"
Official Music Video

Coming Soon
Far Suns Fall have announced that "Patient" will be the second single to be taken from their forthcoming album "Aphelion".
The single will be released on Friday 8th February and will be available to download & stream via iTunes, Apple Music, GooglePlay, Amazon Music, YouTube Music, Napster, Deezer and many more.

"Shape Of the World"
On Saturday 3rd November, Far Suns Fall released their new single "Shape of the World" which is taken from the debut album Aphelion.
To coincide with this release, the band will be headlining The Fighting Cocks in Kingston on Friday 9th November. Tickets are available here.

On Tuesday 18th September, the track "Jack Knife" was featured on Moped Muggers: Caught On Camera. This is the first time that the bands music has been featured within a show, and we're sure it won't be the last.
If you missed the show then click HERE
New Merch!
With the bands debut album looming, they have decided to get their very own T-Shirt printed. These Tee's will be available to purchase at their next show on Friday 9th November at The Fighting Cocks in Kingston.
If you're unable to attend the shows then do not fear; drop them a message here and they will post one out to you.
Tee's are priced at £10 each.
"No Way Out" Single Review

"Shape of the World" To be New Single
Following the recent completion of their debut album Aphelion; Far Suns Fall have announced that they will releasing "Shape of the World" as their first single.
The track will be released on Saturday 3rd November and will be available to download & stream via iTunes, Apple Music, Google Play, Amazon Music, YouTubeMusic, Tidal, Deezer, Napster and many more.

"With festivals like Hard Rock Hell, HRH Blues, Steelhouse and Rambling Man now is a very good time to be in a rock band with blues influences which also means now is a good time to introduce Far Suns Fall. A four-piece with roots in London, the band are currently building up to the release of their debut album in August 2018 and the track ‘No Way Out’ is the first track from it.
With an intro that could easily have come from 2017’s Black Stone Cherry blues EP, and vocals that complement the riffs immediately it’s a strong start from the quartet and one that continues through some choruses that bands like Canada’s Monster Truck would be proud of.
The transition from a huge, loud chorus into a deep slow verse has echoes of the alt-rock style that had it’s time in the sun a few years ago, but with the riffs, the soulful vocals and the pacier drums that is where the comparisons to that genre in particular end. So without further ado give
This might just be the first taster from the boys but the progression from their 2016 EP is evident and if the full album is as good as ‘No Way Out’ then we’re in for a real treat. We’ll be reviewing the album before it’s released so check back here over the next couple of months for that".
Album Launch Nights Announced
On Tuesday 5th September, our Bass Player Bob featured on BRFM. The team on the TGR show interviewed Bob and played our track Epoch. At the end of the show, it was announced that we were in fact "Track Of The Day".
If you missed the interview with Bob then please click the player below.
Far Suns Fall have been working hard over the last 5 months, making sure that their debut album "Aphelion" sounds amazing; and we can confirm that it is just that.
To coincide with the release, the band will be playing a few launch nights across London. The first being at The Fighting Cocks in Kingston on Friday 10th August '18.
For further information and tickets, click HERE
On Tuesday 19th September the band set up a GoFundMe page for much needed funds for their debut album.
All pledges of £5 and above will guarantee a digital copy of the album prior to it's anticipated release in March '18.
To donate please click here
Far Suns Fall's very own Bob Brockwell will be featuring live on TGR Tuesday 5th September. The station will be interviewing our bassist and playing our track Epoch. Make sure you tune it between 7pm/8:30pm to hear more about the band and what we are up to.
Far Suns Fall have recently recorded 2 live tracks at Ignite AMR in Horsham, Surrey. These tracks are now available to stream on all social media platforms. You can view the tracks by clicking the links below.
When The Sun -
Youth -
Far Suns Fall have announced that 50% of revenue from their debut album will be donated to the charity MIND. They stated that "MIND holds a prevalent place within the band".
All pledges of £5 and above will guarantee a digital copy of the album once it is released in June/July '17. Without your support the band will be unable to make this worthy cause happen so, pledge generously. #yourcampaign

Kickstarter "Live Q&A"
On Sunday 2nd April, Bass Player Bob Brockwell will be streaming live via the bands Kickstarter campaign page. The Q&A sessions will start at 12pm and will allow individuals to ask questions about the campaign, music, setup and just anything music related.
In order for individuals to take part in the "Live Q&A", they would first need to subscribe. You can do so by clicking the subscribe button.

On Saturday 25th March 2017 Far Suns Fall started their Kickstarter Campaign to raise much needed funds for their debut album. Thus far, the band have been working hard on some great new material and are now asking their fans, friends and family to help.
However, this is no ordinary campaign! The band are giving something back to every donation they receive. Depending on the amount, individuals can be guaranteed to receive a copy of the finished album, posters, tickets, private performances to even featuring on the album itself.
To donate to the bands project then click on the DONATE NOW button.
We Need Your Vote
Isle of Wight Festival are once again pledging to support emerging talent by teaming up with HOT VOX to find two talented bands to perform at this years festival, alongside headliners Arcade Fire, David Guetta, Rod Stewart and Run DMC.
Only the most talented submissions will go through to the Live Rounds where artists will be judged by music industry guests based on their musicianship, songwriting and fan engagement. This means the winner of each Live Round is chosen based on pure talent and quality.
The Live Rounds also guarantee that ALL the artists who perform have the opportunity to play in front of industry professionals, providing them with great exposure and a platform to be noticed.
Click HERE to vote for Far Suns Fall

Far Suns Fall are excited to announce that our Bass Player (Bob Brockwell) has been sponsored by Sandberg Guitars. Bob stated that "I have always been a huge fan of active basses. Initially, I had my eye on a Fender Jazz Elite however, upon playing the Sandberg California TM4 I was instantly blown away. The tone, feel and play-ability of the instrument is amazing"
A profile will be uploaded to the Sandberg website in the coming weeks so do keep a look out for the link. We all look forward to a longstanding relationship with Sandberg.
"Coming in with their first EP, Far Suns Fall have not disappointed from the first time we heard them. Comprising of 4 back to back blistering tracks, these guys have are making a statement of who they are and why they are here to stay.
Kicking off with a 3 minute assault with "Jack Knife", everything about the way they are heading is evident. Big chord heavy riffs, drum beats that carry the pace with ease and vocals that melt into the music whilst still standing strong in their own right. This is one hell of a strong opener for a first record and we can only hope to see them improve on that as time goes by.
Following the energy of the first track, these four guys manage to through you around like a rag doll with a gentle opening for "Epoch". Taking its time to caress your ears before bringing a bit more tempo in, it soothes the nerves of even the most nervous listeners. The melodies that flow throughout the track from start to end weave a web of auditory magic that will echo in your ears hours after the music has ended. Add in a tasteful (whilst not overdone) guitar solo, a bassline that seems to reverberate with potential and a drum track that is relaxed with short, sharp punches thrown in for good measure, "Epoch" builds upon the already powerful lyrics. Helping the unsigned music scene just isn't an apt description for these boys any more, they are redefining it!
"The Way You Were" is the next slice of musical pie on this record and again the gentle tones massage your soul whilst making you think about a lot of things. The way you were really allow you to stretch out and is what can only be described as an anthem for life. Keeping that acoustic-like sound to help define who they are, Far Suns Fall have definitely kept true to who they are and what they mean to do.
Closing down with the final track, "When The Sun" brings a real folk style with it's vocal patterns and soft introduction before picking up with a bluesy rock side as the tempo increases. Big drum rolls and a bassline that punches through the layers of guitars and vocals are only a small portion of this song. Giving new meaning to the term of depth, this track shows everything that Far Suns Fall have got to give and more.
As a first EP for a band, this is a cracking start to what seems like it could be a very promising career. Keep it up boys and we'll see you on the other side!"
Wreckage Radio
6 Towns Radio have released the list for Octobers Playlist Contender. The station encourage listeners to log onto their website and vote for your favourite song from a list of 15 artists, the one with the most votes on November 1st gets playlisted on 6TR for a month.
We need your help to get our EP on their rotation throughout the month of November. Click the link below and vote for us.
On Sunday 9th October, Surrey Hills Community Radio featured our track Jack Knife on their afternoon show. The track itself was well received and was described as a "Brilliant track by a brilliant band".
If you missed your chance to listen to the show live then do not fear, you can listen via the Mixcloud link below.
"I can't describe how amazing it is to find an artist that makes you feel so relaxed and peaceful in an age of heavy, aggressive genres. Far Suns Fall have achieved that and much more to go with it.
Taking bits of rock'n'roll, blues, folk and many other genres of music, these four guys have taken what was once a dream and made it a reality.
Starting out with a soft, acoustic inspired intro they build the rest of the instruments in with a heart warming instrumental before allowing Mr Chris Sagan's vocals to bring together the work that belongs to each individual member.
This is a band who understand that a band is the sum of all of its members, rather than belonging to one or two people. For a new band, this is the start of something bright and beautiful, and something I very much look forward to."
Wreckage Radio